Saturday, 24 March 2012

Pong Remake Complete! / ポングのリメーク完成!

Over the last 2 days I've been working solidly on my remake of Pong and am proud to say it is complete! Came to a hurdle during the coding of it at one point but a friend helped me see where I was going wrong. He joined in on helping create the AI for the enemy, as well. I learned a hell of a lot during this build, I guess you could say some of the fundamentals really sunk in. It was also the first time for me to include sound effects in one of my programs so I learned new techniques for that too!


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Pong! / ポング!

There has been a lot of talk of remaking old school games for fun and so I think I'll have a crack at doing a remake of Pong. It's probably about the simplest game there is, yet it would still be a good challenge. Once completed of course then the idea is to add power-ups which make the ball do crazy things thus making the game harder/more interesting and hopeful more fun! Will post pictures in the near future.

Today I had a fantastic discussion with one of my classmates, Ben, from 111 who's in his 3rd year of computer science. He gave me some solid advice to make sure I understand maths properly because I will need it a lot in computer science. I love maths and have always thought that it was useful, good to know that wasn't just my imagination. I pitched him an idea for an operating system that I've had for a long time and by the end of the discussion he was really enthusiastic about it.



Monday, 19 March 2012

AssignmentOne 2.0! / 第一アサインメントバージョンツー

Since uni has started I've been making lots and programs to use what knowledge I have acquired and I've been learning a tonne! We recently got our first assignment, which is to create a small program which generates a random rectangle and a user specified rectangle and see if they intersect or not. That sort of thing. I started (and finished) it on Sunday and then, even though we weren't asked to, proceeded to build a GUI version of it for fun.

I completed it from start to finish in a 24 hour period and spent roughly 12 hours of that time programming. Below is the result - it's simple but it was a great learning exercise and I feel proud to have made my first real program.



The first few weeks / 最初の数週間

The first few weeks of Uni have been great! I'm taking Maths, Physics and Programming as I want to get into either robotics engineering or virtual reality in the future. I managed to get through the entire textbook (including doing the examples) for CompSci 101 in just the first 2 weeks! I'm finding I understand programming very intuitively and have been in the computer labs in building 303 until 9pm most nights, hence the name Mr. 303. Lot's of hard, but very enjoyable work.


Welcome! ようこそ!

Welcome to my blog! My name is James Tayler (also known as Kaneshiro (金城) and Mr. 303). I'm a 24 year old male who has just entered the University of Auckland to study computer science. This blog will serve as a journal of my progress on my journey through studying programming. I've only just started but I've developed a passion for it and it looks like the next few years are going to amazingly fun.
